Monthly Archives: August 2022

wi(s)p: five years in and one page up

As an average 20-something Canadian, you’ve got enough on your plate—rent’s going up, you can’t afford gas for that van you bought last summer, the ghost in your apartment insists on watching you pee, and you’re not 100% sure what to do now that you’ve dropped out of college. Twice. Continue reading

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both feet in (probably)

Who’s that, a fresh-faced, brand new member of your favourite bulb cult?

Actually, I’ve been in Somnol’s orbit for the past, uh, six years? Maybe longer? Continue reading

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(not so) recent sketchbook drawings

Finally! A sketchbook I enjoy filling and which is shaping out really great so far.

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Revisiting the Official Guide to MP3s

I don’t think it’s a stretch to call myself an historian at this point. From my initial essay two-and-a-half years ago, to digging deep into how the service worked, to previewing some of the music that were promoting their service with, I’m part of that small group who have been trying to keep the memory of one of the most forward-thinking dot-com startups alive after it was all but forgotten post-closure in 2004.

I was effectively honor-bound to pick up the last copy of The Official Guide to MP3s from Amazon after all that work, and I was not disappointed for my $6.29! We’ve got late 90s MP3 hype, forgotten MP3 and competitors, and even some screenshots of the backend of, far away from where any Web spider could’ve gone. It’s a trip.

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recent photos, 08/08 – 11/08

I still have few drafts that are sitting around here and waiting to be finished, but I have some photos I want to show you in meantime.

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