Author Archives: fiveducks

About fiveducks

Canadian writer/artist/hermit. The raccoon living in your basement.

touching grass

Hey! So 2024’s about three quarters of the way over and I fell off the face of the Earth again. My bad. Continue reading

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happy five years: a seat at the table

Hey! This year went by insultingly fast. I’m going to ramble about 2023, entering your mid-20s, collaboration, and goals. Continue reading

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fwd 2.0 is now live

Hey! Been working on something the last month-ish. It’s a little late for fwd’s one-year anniversary, but close enough, right? Continue reading

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tech bro (derogatory)

This week I attended a work conference. The coffee was too hot and the cookies were stale (still ate ‘em), but the real stand-outs were the speakers. Continue reading

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man i love eating takeout on the floor

Nothing screams “I’m out” like being 19 in January eating takeout in an empty living room in a shitty apartment. I should sell all my belongings.

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trip photos: toronto!

Hey! I mentioned in my Art Fight post I was in Toronto at the time of posting. Wanna see some photos? Continue reading

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art fight 2023 (first blood)

Hey! Been a while. Been a weird year.

I participated in Art Fight for the first time last month. Call it part of my “being less of a hermit” arc. Which is funny because I dropped Twitter and barely pay any attention to any other social media. (I did say less of a hermit.)

But enough about the downfall of the modern internet, I’m here to talk about Art Fight. Which also wound up having drama, funnily enough, though I didn’t pay much attention.

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art goals 2023 (what do you mean it’s february?)

It’s overdue, but I think looking back at my art over the past year, where I stand now, and my goals might be the best way to help my viewpoint align with reality. Hopefully? No, probably not. Continue reading

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four becomes five: what a year, huh?

Four years in, five folks under the bulb. Actually, I’ve been around for longer, haven’t I? What’s up with that? Continue reading

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working to take a break from work

Went on a vacation, learned HTML and built a site. Continue reading

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