Monthly Archives: December 2022

Four Becomes Five: Find the ones that get you

As the year draws to a close once more, it’s the perfect time to get all retrospective about it. How the last year has gone, what I’ve enjoyed, what I’ve not enjoyed, and just how things have changed, hopefully for the better. I’m currently laying in bed with a wicked case of acid reflux thanks to far too much Christmas food, so what better time to ramble? Continue reading

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four becomes five: reflections

Alternatively: two years in

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Four Becomes Five: Four Years of Somnol!

A quick happy birthday to Somnolescent before the day’s out here on the east coast… Continue reading

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four becomes five: what a year, huh?

Four years in, five folks under the bulb. Actually, I’ve been around for longer, haven’t I? What’s up with that? Continue reading

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Into the Greater Somnolescent Multiverse

So quietly, I’ve been working on relaunching Working on that site before, there were lots of really good pages that I just didn’t think fit right where they were. This is one of those pages: a goofy, fun bit of group lore that makes a better blog post than it does a random page on one of my sites.

I’ve edited and rewritten parts of it, of course, but you can call this one from the archives. Quite literally. Go check out the new cammy.somnol, by the way! I’m just getting started with it and it’s starting to take shape as possibly the cutest site I’ve made so far.

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