Tag Archives: A Year Under the Bulb

Good Influences – My 1-year Anniversary Blog Post

Hiya, it’s mon, ringing in at around 7pm on January 21st… Not sure why that’s notable, but whenever I write little journal entries for myself, that’s usually what I do before I get to what I’m talking about. (Hopefully I can start writing less of this for myself and more of this for the blog.) Continue reading

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A Year Under the Bulb: Our Upgrade Plans

The first official year of Somnolescent has had me figuring out little webmaster things I’d previously had no experience with. So far, it’s been really good, no doubt helped by our excellent hosting and a little bit of common sense on the part of all the Somnolians.

Nevertheless, we’re really only just getting started here. As the world continues to churn around our collective, I’ve a few major upgrades I’d like to perform on our internal and external server infrastructure going forward. I’ll explain more under the cut. Continue reading

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A Year Under the Bulb: 2019 in Review

And so, 1998+1 has come and gone. The first official year of Somnolescent. The first year out on our own, our own hosting, in our own group. People came, people left, projects were started, and love blossomed.

2019 was a year of change, of growth, and of optimistic unease. It was the start of us as Somnolians realizing what we had and what we didn’t need. It was the year of itemizing fears and coming to terms with realities. (You might say it sounds dramatic and pretentious, but so is life.)

Don’t worry, though. We got a lot done that people outside the group can enjoy too. If you missed anything, it’s more than likely here. Continue reading

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A Year Under the Bulb: Origins

In all the chaos surrounding Somnolescent, lurkers, and people peeking in at our operation, I realized I’ve never fully told the story of Somnolescent leading up to its formal inception on this day last year. Believe it or not, the name Somnolescent stretches a long, long way back, all the way back to 2011 or so, and it’s been a tale of abuse, betrayals, and triumphs ever since. I kinda wish I was joking.

Should I be sharing some of this? Who knows, but I’ll do it anyway. If you’ll allow me a few paragraphs to ramble, I present the official, messy, canon history of Somnolescent as it well and truly happened. Continue reading

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caby rambles, as requested by a badger boy

Wanted to write something for the big event, and after like 3 attempts, I decided I should probably quit rambling about vague nonsense and instead concentrate a bit more on how Somnolescent has helped me kick a seriously unhealthy issue of mine. Continue reading

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Reflections (and Reveries)

It’s your local four-portraited lad, dcb. I’ve been here for a full year now, and it’s time to reflect a bit. Continue reading

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Borb comes to ramble about things

Hey, its Borb! Your local hyperactive, alien gremlin!

Were steadily approaching the anniversary of, not just the site network, but the anniversary of the group coming together properly as a whole! As I’m considered a senior member, I figured I’d give my input on this special occasion by telling ya’ll a story. I’m gonna do my best to not kill any souls who dare to read this segment by not talking for too long about each topic. Continue reading

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A Year Under the Bulb: An Ode to DreamHost

As you might be aware, when Somnolescent first got a web presence, it did so under a little site called Neocities. (No link, doesn’t deserve it.) As casual web hosting, it’s…fine. It’s hard to get excited about its lack of features, its style-over-substance presentation, how broken it really is, the abysmal Supporter’s plan, and especially its community, but for just getting a website online, it’s okay.

For our needs, Neocities wasn’t about to satisfy. We needed something sturdier, something with a better featureset, better support, and people who give a shit at the helm. The search didn’t last long, and the choice for us was pretty clear: only DreamHost would do. And we love it.

Over the past year, we’ve had nothing but good things to say about DreamHost. It’s been able to support nearly every little venture and idea we’ve had so far, and we’ve had many. Frankly, for what we get, it makes Supporter’s look like a ripoff. Come, as I rave about getting far more than you pay for. Continue reading

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