Monthly Archives: October 2023

Itty Bitty Trip Doodles

A little while back, I told Cammy about a couple doodles I’d done in my sketchbook on my coach trip home from London after we said our goodbyes and he headed on a plane back home, just trying to cram some little memories onto paper before they disappeared from my head, and he suggested that I should put them on the blog when he finished the trip journal. Thought that was a super cute idea! I had intended on working on it before he finished but time got the better of me, so it is a little late,,, Sorry, Cammy! Continue reading

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Art Recaps: September 2023

At present, six different people in Somnolescent draw—that’s a lot of art! Though we stopped doing the full-blown recaps last year, I thought it would be fun to turn the art highlights section from those recaps into their own recurring monthly post. This, of course, means going up halfway into the month, because I get up to too much and sometimes deadlines slip. We’re not a corporation here, just a cult.

The deal was simple: I asked each of the Somnolians to submit the one drawing they did during the month that they’re most proud of or have the most to say about along with anywhere from a paragraph to a small essay about it. We’ve got a nice grab bag of everything for the start of autumn. Click the images for full-size!

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First Draft: Failure’s Magnified

Rarely do albums come out right on the first shot. Labels reject them, bands disown them, and they get added onto after release. Here on First Draft, we take a look at albums that got cut down or remade and see what difference the changes made.

This second edition examines the home demos that almost comprised Failure’s second album, 1994’s Magnified.

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