Letters from Somnolescent


Tag: animals

Posts involving pets and animals (but not animal people).

December 25, 2020

Caby Chrimbas Update


Quick Christmas update from the resident cabybaba here. It’s 9am and we’ve finished unwrapping presents, we’ve done all the Christmas morning calls and webcalls, and now I’m sat in my room with far too much chocolate, patiently waiting for lads to wake up in Somnol. Timezones and all that,,,,

May 19, 2019

Cavy Wars


Hi I’m gonna ramble about my guinea pigs. Drama, action, suspense and much more So, as some of you may know, I have two guinea pigs, named Bergerac and Poirot, both named after fictional detectives. And while they do share some characteristics of their namesakes, they lack one very important thing. Brains. Now guinea pigs […]

Tags: animals,