Letters from Somnolescent


Category: Happenings

Updates on the time-sensitive end–going places, doing things, taking part in events, or moving onto new stages in life.

August 16, 2022

both feet in (probably)


Who’s that, a fresh-faced, brand new member of your favourite bulb cult?

Actually, I’ve been in Somnol’s orbit for the past, uh, six years? Maybe longer?

Tags: blog,

May 19, 2019

Cavy Wars


Hi I’m gonna ramble about my guinea pigs. Drama, action, suspense and much more So, as some of you may know, I have two guinea pigs, named Bergerac and Poirot, both named after fictional detectives. And while they do share some characteristics of their namesakes, they lack one very important thing. Brains. Now guinea pigs […]

Tags: animals,

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